
BP Bunge Bioenergia expands areas with localized fertigation with vinasse by 185%

The use of the by-product resulting from sugarcane processing benefited about 80,000 hectares in 2020

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BP Bunge Suppliers Program elects best companies of 2020

The company recognizes suppliers that best performed in service provision, material supply, safety, and health

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BP Bunge Bioenergia’s Monteverde Unit receives the 2020 Excellence Award from Programa Cana IAC

BP Bunge Bioenergia's Monteverde unit, located in the municipality of Ponta Porã (in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul), received on Tuesday, November 24, the 2020 Excellence Award, granted by Programa Cana – IAC (Instituto Agronômico) for its outstanding work in developing improvement programs for sugarcane varieties in that state of Brazil.

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BP Bunge Bioenergia uses drones to assist in the biological control of sugarcane crops

The equipment is also used for planialtimetric survey of fields to prepare for sugarcane cultivation

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ITUMBIARA 15.10.2020

BP Bunge Bioenergia donates hospital beds in Itumbiara, in the state of Goiás

BP Bunge Bioenergia will deliver this Thursday, October 15, 10 electric hospital beds.

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POSITIVO 15.10.2020

Grupo Boticário, BP Bunge, and Positivo donate 30,000 litres of alcohol to 50 hospitals from North to South in Brazil

The bioenergy company provided liquid alcohol for bottling by the cosmetics giant, which with a financial donation from the Institute of the educational group produced 350,000 bottles of alcohol to help fight the new coronavirus

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BP Bunge Bioenergia donates seedlings to build forests and restore preservation areas in Goiás

All seedlings donated are produced in BP Bunge Bioenergia's own nursery, at its Ituiutaba unit, in Minas Gerais.

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BURNINGS 29.09.2020

BP Bunge Bioenergia donates firefighting kit to firefighters in Palmas

The firefighting kit consists of a ventilator; flame-retardant backpacks; earmuffs; safety goggles, gloves, masks, balaclavas, and gaiters; hoes, machetes, and rakes, as well as canteens, among other pieces of equipment.

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BP Bunge Bioenergia invests in well-trained teams, technology, and equipment to prevent fires

All 11 units of the company rely on real-time satellite image monitoring

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AWARD 16.09.2020

BP Bunge Bioenergia is elected Sugar Mill of the Year by the MasterCana 2020 Award

The Company was awarded in the categories "Business Strategy – Management" and "Agricultural Automation – Technology & Innovation"

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