Social 29.09.2020

BP Bunge Bioenergia donates firefighting kit to firefighters in Palmas

The firefighting kit consists of a ventilator; flame-retardant backpacks; earmuffs; safety goggles, gloves, masks, balaclavas, and gaiters; hoes, machetes, and rakes, as well as canteens, among other pieces of equipment.

por BP Bunge

São Paulo, September 2020 This Thursday (29), BP Bunge Bioenergia, one of the leaders in the sugar-energy sector in Brazil, delivered a firefighting kit to the Fire Department of Palmas, in the state of Tocantins. Represented in the state by its unit in the municipality of Pedro Afonso, the company is part of the Fire Committee (Comitê do Fogo), a group that brings together entities dedicated to firefighting planning, prevention, inspection, and control actions.

“We at BP Bunge Bioenergia are very proud to be part of the Fire Committee of the State of Tocantins. It is a manner of working together with other companies, government agencies, and entities. This donation demonstrates more of our commitment to fire prevention”, says Jeferson Costa, Agricultural Manager at BP Bunge Bioenergia in Tocantins.

At the Pedro Afonso unit, there are 209 members who work in the Fire Brigade, 12 water trucks, a monitoring system through towers equipped with high-definition digital cameras and GMG Ambiental, which helps detect fires via satellite. The company also works to raise awareness of employees and nearby communities about fire hazards and the main types of prevention, and also develops joint and aligned work with the Fire Department and the Civil Defence.

The delivery of the donation to the Fire Department will take place at the headquarters of the State Civil Défense, in Palmas. The firefighting kit consists of a ventilator; flame-retardant backpacks; earmuffs; safety goggles, gloves, masks, balaclavas, and gaiters; hoes, machetes, and rakes, as well as canteens, among other pieces of equipment. “This donation is a way of contributing to the Fire Department of Tocantins, which is always at the frontline in the fight against fires in the state”, notes Jeferson Costa.


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