Awards 11.12.2020

BP Bunge Suppliers Program elects best companies of 2020

The company recognizes suppliers that best performed in service provision, material supply, safety, and health

por BP Bunge

São Paulo, December 2020 – Among the activities of the BP Bunge Bioenergia Suppliers Program, which seeks to support and build solid partnerships, the company held in 2020 the first edition of the Best Suppliers Award (Prêmio Melhores Fornecedores). The objective is the recognition of material supply and service provision partners that best met the criteria established by four evaluation committees formed by more than one hundred employees of the company.

“With this award, we want to recognize and reinforce the partnership ties and joint work with our suppliers, who are an important link in the production chain of the essential activity we develop in the production of sugar, alcohol, and bioelectricity”, says Adriano Dalbem, Logistics, Supplies, and Origination Director, BP Bunge Bioenergia.

Throughout the year, the company standardized an assessment system – which was managed by the administrative, corporate, industrial, and procurement areas and supported by the ethics and compliance department – and assessed the performance of about 280 suppliers.

The award, both for service providers and material suppliers, was divided into seven categories, and there were also acknowledgments for the safety and health areas, as well as for the BP Bunge Bioenergia staff who manage the contractors, in addition to the main award for Best Supplier of the Year.

The main award in 2020, Best Supplier of the Year, went to Grupo Veronese. In the Cargo Transportation category, there was a tie, with two companies elected: Rhodes Engenharia and Ouro Verde. In Agricultural Services – Harvest, there was another tie between Aero Agrícola Chapadão Aplicação Aérea and Grisolino Cássia Colheita e Transbordo.

FMC Herbicidas e Fungicidas was chosen in the Agricultural Inputs – Harvest category; while in Industrial Inputs – Harvest the winner was Skills Química Polímeros. In the Facilities and Support Services category, there was another tie between Sapore S.A. Alimentação and Grupo Veronese. Two organizations also won in the Automotive – Off-Season category: Petronas Lubrificantes and Ayko Indústria – Harvester Parts.

The Industrial Services – Off-Season category awarded two other companies: Mefsa Mecânica Peças Fundidas and Usinagem São Marcos – Usinagem e Caldeiraria.

In Outstanding Performance in Health – Prevention and Control of COVID-19, BP Bunge Bioenergia awarded the work performed by two sugarcane transportation companies: Ouro Verde and Rodes Engenharia. And in Outstanding Performance in Safety, which is one of the company’s most important values, the awarded company was Vick, also from the sugarcane transportation area.

The company also acknowledged the work of interface with suppliers carried out by its staff with the Management Cycle Award – Contract Manager and Representative. Five BP Bunge Bioenergia employees received the awards: Cristiane Frederico, Emerson Nakano, Larini Inácio, Livia Duraes, and Sandro Luis Ferreira.

“This is an opportunity to celebrate together the first anniversary of BP Bunge, which was on December 1st, recognizing suppliers who share our values. We also want to encourage all other partners to move in this direction so we can build a journey of lasting success. Despite the difficulties of a year as challenging as 2020, we can see good things that we can build together”, says Carlos Eidi, Supply Manager, BP Bunge Bioenergia.

The online ceremony to announce the awarded companies was held by BP Bunge Bioenergia in the afternoon of Thursday, December 10, on a streaming session.


  • Awards