PARTNERSHIP 08.08.2022

VLI and BP Bunge renew partnership for multimodal sugar operation

The movement of the commodity through the Centro-Atlântica Railroad will supply the foreign market, mainly in Asia and the Middle East

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BP BUNGE 10.02.2023

BP Bunge renews Green Energy Certificate

Seal is awarded to bioelectricity producing plants that meet renewable generation and energy efficiency requirements

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SUPPLIERS 03.08.2022

BP Bunge Bioenergia launches receivables anticipation platform

In partnership with Monkey, the AceleraBio program allows suppliers to advance the payment of invoices for goods and services

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Technology and Communication in fire prevention and fighting

BP Bunge carries out an awareness campaign in the communities and invests in technological solutions to mitigate risks and minimize impact on the environment

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YARA 07.07.2022

BP Bunge adopts technology for localized application of vinasse enriched with fertilizers

An initiative led by Yara allows for better productivity and profitability rates with assertive and balanced nutrition, in addition to environmental and economic gains

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BP Bunge Bioenergia reduces dependence on chemical fertilizers in sugarcane fields

With a focus on productivity and sustainability, the company expands the use of sugarcane processing by-products for plant nutritional purposes

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BP Bunge CEO attends conference on global carbon market

Mario Lindenhayn highlighted Brazil's leading role in the global energy transition and the importance of the sugar-energy sector for a low-carbon economy

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BP Bunge Bioenergia joins the UN Global Compact

Initiative reinforces the company's 2030 commitment agenda with goals focused on environmental sustainability and community development

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BP BUNGE 19.04.2022

BP Bunge joins Brazilian government delegation to India

Objective is to strengthen technical cooperation in mobility with an emphasis on biofuels

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VALOR 23.12.2021

BP Bunge Bioenergia wins acknowledgment of Valor Carreira

The company is in the top five in people management in the category of 7.000 to 17.000 employees.

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