Social 19.05.2023

BP Bunge Bioenergia directs sponsorship of BRL 2.4 million to cultural projects that bring learning and entertainment to young Brazilians

Initiatives supported by the company contribute to the education, critical sense, inclusion and creativity of children and adolescents in Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Tocantins

por BP Bunge

Attentive to the social development and well-being of the communities where it operates, BP Bunge Bioenergia supports a series of cultural projects guided by the Laws on Incentives to Culture, Sports and the Children and Adolescents Funds. The formative actions, carried out in 2022 and 2023, have BRL 2.4 million in sponsorship from the company and take place in public schools, institutions and cultural spaces in the municipalities and regions of Edéia and Itumbiara (GO), Ponta Porã (MS), Santa Juliana, Frutal, Itapagipe and Ituiutaba (MG), Ouroeste, Orindiúva, São Paulo and Pontes Gestal (SP) and Pedro Afonso (TO), places where the company has units.

With a focus on children and teenagers, the initiatives include shows, talks, chats and the distribution of booklets, comics and audiobooks, using playful and educational resources in order to stimulate various reflections among young people. Highlights for children include “Cine Boa Praça”, with free film screenings, and the plays “The Sustainable Kingdom of Oz”, “Guardians of the Forest”, “TransformAtion” and “Ben’s Life”, which deal with preserving the environment, sustainable economics, hygiene, recycling and how to deal with bullying.

For teenagers, there are projects such as “Cultura videomaker – Video production with cell phones”, which cover technical content such as scripting, filming plans, capturing and editing images and sounds, editing and finalizing. The action aims to impact the lives of low-income young people, produce important content and expand professional opportunities.

The Apprenticeship Program II also offers workshops to develop general skills for the job market, socio-emotional competencies, financial education, customer service and life planning, among other topics, benefiting young people aged 14 to 18 who are socially vulnerable for 12 months.

To enhance the relationship between sport and health, the “Marilson Circuit” will hold, with exclusive sponsorship from BP Bunge Bioenergia, on September 2, 2023, a street race for up to 800 participants in Orindiúva, São Paulo. On a 5-kilometer course, the action is promoted by Brazilian runner Marilson Gomes dos Santos, who has won the São Silvestre Race three times and the New York Marathon twice.

The “Making Art: Inclusion for All” project is aimed at the inclusion of socially vulnerable people with and without disabilities, through visual arts, engraving and printmaking workshops, activities that help participants develop their cognitive, motor, creative and social aspects. And for all ages, “Playing in the Square” includes sports, physical and recreational activities, aimed at awakening curiosity, belonging and sharing experiences, establishing a link between citizens – children and adults – and the community.

“Culture plays a vital role in people’s education and development. Thus, the projects supported by BP Bunge Bioenergia, through the legal instruments of tax incentives, seek to enrich the education of children and young people from various communities, fostering creativity, critical thinking and access to various forms of artistic expression,” says Mara Pinheiro, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at BP Bunge Bioenergia.


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