Corporate 23.10.2023

BP Bunge is qualified to supply ethanol for SAF production

With the ISCC CORSIA certification, which attests to the low carbon intensity of the ethanol produced, the company is qualified to supply its ethanol for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

por BP Bunge

BP Bunge Bioenergia, one of Brazil’s leading producers of ethanol, bioelectricity and sugar, is making further progress in the energy transition and sustainability of its products. The company has received the ISCC CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) certification, which confirms that the ethanol produced by the company complies with international standards and can be used as a raw material for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

With the certification of the biofuel produced at the Ouroeste (SP) unit, BP Bunge reinforces the role of ethanol produced from sugarcane as one of the solutions to meet the growing need for global decarbonization. “The solution to the energy transition will not be achieved through a single route, there are several routes, but sugarcane ethanol is the solution that Brazil already has available, with scale, ready for use and with the potential for different applications, such as SAF”, explains BP Bunge Bioenergia’s Commercial and Origination Director, Ricardo Carvalho.

ISCC certification (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) is a worldwide system that checks the entire biofuel chain, from the cultivation of biomass to final consumption, to guarantee sustainable production, respecting social and environmental criteria as well as product traceability. The CORSIA program is an initiative led by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized UN agency, that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in civil aviation in order to achieve the commitment to neutralize or zero carbon emissions by 2050.  

A promising scenario for sugarcane ethanol

With a growing productivity curve, investments in innovation such as rural connectivity, digitalization and regenerative agriculture, the company is able to produce increasingly efficient ethanol that meets international sustainability requirements. It is worth noting that the differential of Brazilian ethanol extracted from sugarcane is its low carbon content. This feature puts it in the spotlight in the global market, which is faced with the challenge of finding cleaner solutions in the energy transition to contain the advance of climate change.

Therefore, achieving this certification represents an important step that should strengthen the company’s business on a front that is already very promising: ethanol exports, an operation in which BP Bunge has major markets such as the United States, Japan, Korea and Europe as clients.  

“Brazilian sugarcane ethanol has significant advantages in relation to emissions in its production chain, when compared to corn ethanol produced in other countries – which is already an important competitive advantage. In addition, BP Bunge has other actions in its operation aimed at reducing emissions. Thus, we are on an assertive path to become an important supplier of ethanol for SAF production globally”, says Edi Castro, BP Bunge’s ethanol commercial manager.

History of certifications

Since it was founded, BP Bunge has been awarded the most important certifications attesting to the company’s qualification and compliance with best practices and global requirements. Below are some examples:


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