Social 12.12.2022

BP Bunge educational project addresses renewable energy

In partnership with education departments, students from municipal schools produce the book and podcast “A Energia que se Renova”

por BP Bunge

This month, BP Bunge Bioenergia concluded the “Learn with Energy” action, an educational initiative aimed at raising awareness among public school students in the 4th and 5th years of Elementary School I on the subject of renewable energy . 

The “Aprender com Energia (Learn with Energy)” was developed in partnership with Editora Horizonte – Educação e Comunicação and with the support of municipal education departments in communities where the company’s units are located. In all, eight municipalities in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, São Paulo and Tocantins participated in the action, which involved 41 teachers, employees of BP Bunge itself and impacted around 1,400 students. 

“Supporting a project with young students means positively influencing the future of generations. It is connecting our community to our values ​​and sustainability commitments in the country’s energy transition and recognizing that together we can create better prospects for social and economic development.”, says Mara Pinheiro, director of Communication and Institutional Relations at BP Bunge Bioenergia.

In the first phase of the action, workshops were held with educators from the cities involved. Each participant received a “teacher’s notebook” with an introduction to the topic. In the next stage, in classrooms, students, guided by teachers, produced texts, illustrations and podcast, as if they were letters, highlighting aspects such as “energy that moves life”, “forms of renewable energy, “history of energy”. and “how energy is generated”.

The 87 creations by students from 14 schools were evaluated by a panel and, those selected, gave rise to the book, “Aprender com Energia – A energia que se Renova (Learning with Energy – The energy that is renewed)”. In addition, authors who had their texts published were invited to narrate their productions. To share knowledge, the material, in e-book and podcast format, is available on the website Aprender com Energia.

The initiative is based on the premise that education is one of the main means of contributing to local social and economic development.


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