Business 08.11.2022

BP Bunge Bioenergia chooses TIM to advance the digital transformation of its 11 units

• Company will make a leap in its digital transformation process by enabling TIM's4G in 3 million hectares • Coverage will benefit 174 thousand people from nearby municipalities

por BP Bunge

BP Bunge Bioenergia, one of the largest sugarcane processors in Brazil, chose TIM to advance, through 4G connectivity, its digital transformation in the sugarcane areas of its 11 units across the country. Total coverage will reach 3 million hectares spread across the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and Tocantins. In these locations, BP Bunge has a total planted area of 450,000 hectares. In addition to digitizing the company’s production processes, this project is benefiting more than 174,000 people from the municipalities neighboring the plants, around 12,500 direct and indirect employees, 29 public schools and 10 basic health units.

TIM’s 4G solution in the field today enables digital transformation in more than 40 agribusiness companies, with BP Bunge coming in as the largest project in terms of coverage to date. The project includes almost 100 new 4G towers, and most of them will use sustainable energy through solar panels. In this way, TIM and BP Bunge come together in a sustainable project committed to the best environmental practices.

Connecting and modernizing the field is one of TIM’s pillars of action, within its strategy of leveraging digital transformation and helping producers overcome one of the biggest obstacles to the evolution of agribusiness: the lack of connectivity. Leader in 4G coverage and present in more than 5,400 cities, TIM reaches the mark of 12 million hectares served with the technology through the “4G TIM no Campo” project. In 5 years of operation, more than 1 million people have benefited, in 485 municipalities in 12 different states.

BP Bunge’s units already use technology embedded in around 1,200 agricultural and transport equipment, connected to an integrated logistics management center, SmartLog, with industry 4.0 resources such as big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things and robotics. The central monitors 24 hours, in real time, online and remotely, the entire planting, harvesting and transport operation. With the expansion of connectivity, more resources available by the equipment can be used. In addition, data generation will be more agile, helping decision-making in the operations of the 11 agro-industrial units, contributing to increased productivity and reduced production costs.

According to Geovane Consul, CEO of BP Bunge Bioenergia, the company’s technological and digital evolution is strategic and continuous to consolidate the excellence and sustainability of the business. “With this relevant rural connectivity project, we are taking another step in digital transformation to enhance operational efficiency and profitability and, in addition to business, we contribute to digital inclusion and local development in the communities where we have operations, which will now have expanded access to the mobile network”.

For Alberto Griselli, CEO of TIM, the recent projects announced for coverage in the field are a reflection of TIM’s relevance and protagonism in the Agribusiness sector: “Today, we have the largest 4G coverage in the country, and this result could not be achieved without a strong work of technology expansion in the field. We were chosen by BP Bunge to cover more than 3 million hectares, a record in our projects, and only such a consolidated presence, in all states, puts us in a privileged position to lead initiatives related to the Internet of Things, the real revolution in field. We are investing in the development of unique solutions, recognized by the market and customers, and that will evolve so that the field in the future also benefits from 5G, a milestone for the development of numerous sectors of the economy” .


  • Business